Thursday, April 21, 2011

American Presidents And Birthers

Today I was thinking about a terrible mistake that some Americans seem very interested in making, and that is supporting Donald “The Duck” Trump. Beyond supporting him for even thinking about running for president the worst part is buying into this whole "birthers" scam which seems to be “The Ducks” greatest attack on the current political scene is going after whether President Obama is a citizen of the US and his insistence on seeing a birth certificate from a state, yes a state, that did not issue per say birth certificates. Hawaii became a state in 1959 Yes a state, a part of the United States of America. Barack Obama was born in 1961.
On Good Morning America Wednesday, when George Stephanopoulos brandished Obama's Certificate Of Live Birth (which, it should be noted, isn't enough to satisfy crazy people) at Michele Bachmann, to which the congresswoman replied, "Well, then that should settle it."
Rep. Michele Bachmann Who had been a strong “birther” said in a TV interview that she believes the conspiracy theories and questions surrounding the validity of President Obama's birth certificate have been settled and declared that it was time to move on to real problems facing the country.
Now I wonder how long the pig headed I am too smart for my expensive suit Donald Trump will continue to flog a lost cause. Hopefully a while longer while people like Michele Bachmann and others continue to learn what a fool The Duck is. The one good thing about Trump is, the longer he talks the bigger his mouth gets and the smaller his foot so that it becomes an easy insertion.
I suppose The Duck would want to have my own mother band, She was born in a run down log cabin in the Smokey mountains in the Cherokee Nation Forrest. She was born in 1906; Fifty three years before Hawaii became a state and yes she never had a birth certificate. I have a strong feeling that there are many people in this country, Native Americans in the true sense of the word the ones that where here first. And older Native Americans because they were born here that do not have birth certificates. And if they do in many cases I know, and I’m willing to bet they were gotten some time after the actual birth and contained many in accuracy. That just the way it was even fifty years ago and in some cases even today.
Finally I have found what I think are some very interesting granola bits for thought. How many presidents do you think were not born in The United States? The answer I think will surprise you. And I hope it does, especially when so many are questioning Obama's legality.
Those who served as President of the United States who were not born in this country were:

George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson

All of these Presidents were born before 1776, when America was still a British colony. Think about that the next time you criticize Obama, who was born in Hawaii in 1961, two years after it became the 50th State of America.
Footnote: Eight signers of the Declaration were born in Europe: 2 in Scotland, 3 in Ireland, 2 in England, 1 in Wales.

PS: I just previewed this blog and guess what ad appears at the bottom? Donald Trump. I think the robot got his key words befuddled when filling in the ad spaces. Ya Think :-)

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